- MINERALS & SRI LANKAby userSri Lanka’s gem and mineral industry have a very long history. Sri Lanka was warmly known as Ratna-Deepa which means Gem Island. The name is a reflection of its natural wealth. The writer Marco Polo wrote that the island had the best sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world. In the 2ndContinue Reading
- SRI LANKAN TRADITIONAL METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS OF GEUDA HEAT TREATMENTby userSri Lanka is one of the famous countries for geuda gemstone which has the potential to convert into premium blue color through heat treatment. There are several types of geuda varieties and their subcategories (for example Diesel geuda could be subdivided into young, normal thick, very thick depending on itsContinue Reading
- DECLINE OF GEM CUTTERS IN SRI LANKAby userThe gem cutters’ craftsmanship has contributed immensely to the good name as one of the leading destinations for precious colored gemstones. The industry is a perfect example of the long history and culture of the country and the artisan culture that is still in practice up to date proves theContinue Reading
- MINERALS & SRI LANKAby userSri Lanka’s gem and mineral industry have a very long history. Sri Lanka was warmly known as Ratna-Deepa which means Gem Island. The name is a reflection of its natural wealth. The writer Marco Polo wrote that the island had the best sapphires, topazes, amethysts, and other gems in the world. In the 2ndContinue Reading